Friday, November 22, 2013


enjoy every bite of it


strawberry covered in chocolate


eat healthy


look for something tasty and healthy

don't forget to exercise to have a perfect diet


Friday, November 8, 2013

Assignment 8

1. Go to and look around it a little bit. Now go to Now why do you think the .com website is more exciting than the .org website? 
  •  web pages that end in .com are more friendly that pages that finish in .org. pages that finish in .com have different activities like imagines POPing out whn the mouse pass over them. pages that finish with .org provide information in a structure way without a lot of distractions.
2. Why do you think the Disney website has more hyperlinks, advertisements, and other distracting options to click on?
  • to make it more interesting for the people that visit this web site and also because the web page matches with the theme of the place this site represents. another thing is that is important is to make it entertaining for the audience of this page.

3. If you had to construct/create your own webpage from the beginning, what would you want it to be about and why?
  •  my web page would be about house design because im interested in this topic for my collage studies. the type of page I would use would be .com because I want to show all the colors and textures in different forms.

4. How many programmers do you think would have to work with you to make your website possible? Would it seem impossible to construct/create a webpage by yourself? Why? 
  • I think that one programmer would be able to do this because that's their work and in what they are specialized on. I don't think I would do a good job by creating my own page because it wouldn't turned out as I wanted to.

5. What would you want to name your website? Type that name into the web-address bar, is it taken already?

6. Explain why webpages with flash videos, images, and color take longer to load than pages with only text?
  • because there are a lot of information to load at the same time in a page that finishes in .com than one that finishes in .org because its just information in a specific order and there are no other links to jump to.


Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Channing Matthew Tatum

Channing Matthew Tatum

He was born in April 22 1980,Cullman, Alabama, USA
He is 33 years old
He went to Glenville State College in Glenville, West Virginia, he had a football scholarship but he turn it down.
Now he works as an actor
and he is very popular around girls
At first he used to work as a striper
then as a model
after that as actor in commercials or videos
and now he is one of he most famous actor
His first real acting job was in an episode of CSI: Miami
The first video he appeared on was the following
Get Up ft. Ciara
min 3:49
This are some of the movies he has been on
The Vow
 More info about Channing Tatum go to this web page

Monday, October 21, 2013

Assignment 7: New York Times Article


1. What problems does the article mention that children run into when they use search engines?

  • they try to search for the information like their homework is written and the results don't come up as easily as if they knew how to search for things, like using keywords or looking for the answers in different words.


2. What suggestions have been offered for how search engines can improve their product to lessen children’s problems searching?

  • “We’re giving them a tool that was made for adults,” said Michael H. Levine so now what they are trying to do is the following create or change a search engine to make it easier for children and adults to search for tings they need. in other words to find a way to make Google easier to use and look for things.


3. Do you search using keywords or questions? How does the article characterize these two types of searching?

  • I do use key words because I know that if I look for things as they are in my homework I will not be able to find the answers I am looking for. what Google does with keywords is that if you start typing it will show you the more relatable answers to your keyword.


4. Have you tried using images or videos to search? How does the article characterize this type of searching?

  • when you stars searching for something in Google it will offer you description, images, videos from you tube, and other things that are relatable to what you are looking for, but when you look for an image it will do the same thing of looking things relatable with the words you are typing.

5. What advice would you give to Internet search engine developers (like Google or Bing) for how they should improve their product? Do you think any of the improvements mentioned in the article are particularly promising? Why?

  • to my mind it will be a great idea to make Google more specific in the searches because when you look for some things there are so many options to chose that you get overwhelmed and some of them are not even relates with the subject you are looking for.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


  • Do you think the results are 100% accurate? Why or why not?
    • no because its an opinion and most people just wanted to finish very fast and they didn't put attention in what they were doing.
  • How much of an impact do you think the wording of the questions has on the answers you received?
    • it makes the reader more interested if the questions are short, but if you make them longer the answer will be more specific.
  • Did you get the results you expected from your online polls? Why?
    • no I was surprise with some of them because for example I didn't expect that so many people think that their worse subject was chemistry. 
  • If you wanted to do an online poll with the students of Technologico de Montorrey asking them how much time and effort they spent doing homework this year, what are the steps you would take to complete that online poll?
    • first I would create the question for the students of preschool Tec De Monterrey and then I would create possible answers they would use. 
  • Do you think online polling could help the administration of Tech de Montorrey find out more about their students? Or do you think that the results would not be accurate? Why or why not?
    • I think this would help preschool Tec De Monterrey to see what their students think and belief would be more accessible in technology and other aspects.
  • How do you think the results of your polls would be different if you asked your classmates the questions in person?
    • I belief the if its online they would feel more free to answer with all the truth because its anonymous, more that in person.
  • In what ways do you think online polling using Google Spreadsheets can be improved? Or was it easier to create an online poll than you originally thought? Explain.
    • I think that they can make more easy and friendly for the person who creates the poll to sent the poles by e-mail.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Assignment 5

1. In your own words describe how the workplace culture at Google encourages innovation and unique creations for the company? How does working at Google and the environment there affect its workers?

  • In Google the employees are treated very good, with that they work better and faster, for example all their food its free, they can clean their clothes there, they can use the cars of the company. as consequence they are happy and when people is happy they are capable to do things in a more efficient way.

 2. How does employee freedom, like the 20% of free time Google encourages its employees to spend on any project they want, deliver better business?
  • with their time they can work on new projects that can maybe make the Google page better in efficiency and more friendly because is created by people for people, also in their "free" time they can be creative and create new apps.

3. What are the requirements to work for Google? And what is different about the way they hire employees at Google?

  •  they want you to think out of the box because they want new ideas and different ways of thinking, first they have a conversation with a recruiter, then a phone interview and an onsite interview at one of their offices.

4. How many search queries does Google handle a day?

  • 3 billion daily search queries.

5. In your own words discuss how Google's constantly refined search algorithm changed the way we all access and even think about information.

  • when you try to search for something you start typing and all of this options come out related with the thing you are searching for. also this makes searching for things better in a way that is faster and easier.

6. Take a look at the following story about Google's top secret data center. Now why would Google want to keep its server room as a secret?
  • because if everybody could access to the data center the way that Google works could be copied and then Google would no longer be unique or special or the best searching web page
     in the world.

7. What are the benefits of working as a Google employee?

  • you can clean your clothes in their installations, there are different restaurants and you can eat in them by free, also there is a room for the employees that has fish tanks so they can relax and after it work better, also they have sleep balls.

8. Name at least 5 different positions at Google (ex: software engineer, Google tester, interaction designer) and describe what they do?

  • Google glasses
  • robots  according to the New York Times.
  • driver-less cars 
  • clean energy
  • new drugs

9. Talk about at least 3 projects that Google is currently working on. What do they want to accomplish? How long will they take to complete?

  • Google glasses : is a searcher that work with your voice and the screen is the glasses.
  • (Google X) which includes a lab in an undisclosed location where robots rule the roost , according to the New York Times.
  •  At Google, cars aren't just a means of transportation--they're also an engineering problem to be solved with piles of data and cash.

10. Look at the following story about why recent college graduates should not work for Google. Why does the writer argue recent graduates should not work at Google?

  • the prefer that the recent graduates create heir own companies that to work for a company that is already one of the best ones in the world, the want new companies in the market to make competition to Google.

11. How is Google the same or different than other search engines, like Yahoo or Bing?

  • Google is different than yahoo and bing because is more trust worthy and it contains more information than this other web sites, also their way of working is different and more efficient for the searcher.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Review Exam 1

The difference between analog and digital:

In analog technology, a wave is recorded or used in its original form. So, for example, in an analog tape recorder, a signal is taken straight from the microphone and laid onto tape. The wave from the microphone is an analog wave, and therefore the wave on the tape is analog as well. That wave on the tape can be read, amplified and sent to a speaker to produce the sound.
In digital technology, the analog wave is sampled at some interval, and then turned into numbers that are stored in the digital device. On a CD, the sampling rate is 44,000 samples per second. So on a CD, there are 44,000 numbers stored per second of music. To hear the music, the numbers are turned into a voltage wave that approximates the original wave.

 Random Access Memory (RAM) -

The most common type of memory for a computer. A computer's volatile or temporary memory. RAM stores data and programs while they are being used and requires a power source to maintain its integrity.

 Read-Only Memory (ROM) -

Permanently stores its data, even when the computer is shut off. ROM is nonvolatile because it never loses its contents. ROM holds the instructions that the computer needs to operate.

 World Wide Web –

 combines text, images and time-based media in a network of pages connected by links

 Data (computer) –

are the quantities, characters, or symbols on which operations are performed by a computer, being stored and transmitted in the form of electrical signals and recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording media.

Program - 

 is a set of data that consists of a series of coded software instructions to control the operation of a computer or other machine.

Hypertext – 

linked pages of text. 

Hardware – 
the machines, wiring, and other physical components of a computer or other electronic system.

 Software – 

 the programs and other operating information used by a computer.

Title (resource) – 

The name by which the resource is formally known.

Creator (resource) – 

The person, organization or service who made the content of the resource, for instance, the writer of an article or the photographer who took a picture.

Subject (resource) -

One of the topics of the resource. It is usual to choose keywords from an accepted classification scheme as the subject.

 Publisher (resource) -

The publisher is “responsible for making the resource available”. This might be a commercial publisher, an academic institution or an individual.

 Contributor (webpage) –

A person or organization that has contributed to the content.

 Format (resource) -

The type of media of the resource.

 MP3 – 

The best known form of audio compression.

The electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously
  Database - 
 A database is an organized collection of related information that can be used for searches. An application that helps manage large collections of information. 

Desktop - 
The background on the windows, menus, and dialog boxes on a PC. It is supposed to represent a desk.


Sending and receiving messages through a computer network. This process requires a computer, modem or network connection, and an e-mail address. 

Home page - 

An introductory screen on a web page on the World Wide Web, used to welcome visitors. A home page can include special text or graphics on which you click to jump to related information on other pages on the Web. Keyword - 

 A word or reference point used to describe content on a web page that search engines use to properly index the page.

 Password - 

A code for the security protection to allow access to a computer or the computer programs. 
 Paste - 

 To insert the last information that was cut or copied into a document. Cut and paste can be used to move information within or between documents. 

Search Engines - 

 - Software that searches, gathers and identifies information from a database based on keywords, indices, titles and text.

 URL Address 
 Uniform Resource Locator Website address. Example: 
User name - 

First part of an e-mail address. Example: jmwinton is the user name of the following e-mail address.  

 File format –
specific structure or arrangement of data stored as a computer file.

Hacker -
An unauthorized person who secretly gains access to computer files.
Keyboard -
The hardware device used to enter letters into the computer.
Retrieve (document) -
open the same document

Monday, August 26, 2013

Assignment 4

1. Discuss what the main idea of the video is?

To let the people know that this generation is different that others because now we are influenced by different things like culture, language, and technology. So with this we have to create different ways to communicate, teach, and understand ourselves.

 2. Do you see yourself as past oriented or future oriented? Why?

I feel like I'm future oriented because all I'm doing right now is to have a better future. Everything I'm doing like studding, volunteer service, is to open me opportunities in universities, that at the time is going to give me better chances to get a good job and with it a good life.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the speaker in the video? Explain why?

Yes, I agree, because the speaker understands the new generation and the one that will be after us because right now we don't behave like the generation before us. With it the ways of teaching and understanding should be different that the way they are or they were.

4. Do you agree with the speaker's view that young adults' minds are being "digitally rewired"? Explain your answer.

I agree in some way because in reality some kids actually spend a lot of time in video games, cell phones, and TV. And of course this changes the way they think, but also there are some kids that actually want to learn and create a better future.

5. Why does the narrator in the video argue that young people dislike a single-function device such as a wristwatch? 

I think he sais that because  in now days kids are used to do a lot of things at the time like listening to music and do their homework,  or eat and watch TV. With it they want thing to have a lot of functions to make everything more efficiently and faster.1


1. Why did Sir Tim Berner's Lee decide to make the World Wide Web free when he created it at CERN?

He did it to create another way to communicate from one person to another from different parts of the world. The web its free because there is really no way to own something that you can access easily, the difference is that you have to pay for the internet.

2. What are the benefits of having "web addresses," an idea that Sir Tim Berner's Lee created?

You can communicate with people from different parts of the world, also you can search for things that are not available in the place that you live. another thing is that you can learn things by searching them.

3. How does the World Wide Web allow people from all over the world to communicate?

The world wide web allows people to communicate because by paying the internet you can search pages that allows you to chat with another person, send them pictures of yourself or somebody else, and you can also talk with by video.

4. Why is it important to link information? What are the benefits of having instant access to information?

it allows you to access very fast to certain pages, also if somebody else sends you information you can open it and have exactly the same thing tat the other person has. also with it you can go straight to the page you want.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Assignment 2

1. What are the pros and cons of using Google Drive to complete a project like the one you just did for your  Technology Presentation.
Pros: because you can post and share the information you have answered or found out with another person that is in the same document.
Cons: some people don't know how to use it, and is not as good as other programs.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

 2. What did you learn about your technology that you didn't know before? Explain.
We learned that this is were all the information in the world of technology is processed. the www is the largest of the processors in the technology  world. Also we learned other types of technology like how Facebook was created.

 3. Create a test question using the information you researched from your project. You must come up with a question and at least 4 responses or answers to choose from. 

Question?: what can you open in pages from www?

A. text

4. What does URL stand for?

Uniform Resource Locator

5. What is the URL for Mr. Fierro's Blogg

6. What is your URL for your Blogger created for Principles of Technology class?

7. Using the notes from the Parts of a Computer System, identify and define the four parts of a complete computer system.

  1. Processor transforms raw data into useful information
  2. Memory  is one or more sets of chips that store data and/or program instructions, either temporarily or permanently.
  3. Input and output  accept data and instructions from the user or from another computer system. Return processed data to the user or to another computer system.
  4. Storage hold data permanently, even when the computer is turned off.

8. Name 3 input devices and 3 output devices.




9. Write about the most interesting software you have ever used on a computer. Explain why it was your favorite or what you liked about the software you have chosen to write about.

the most interesting software is facebook. why? because you can connect with all of your family and friends. you can also share all the information you may have like photos, videos, URL's of pages you like, and many other things.

10. Why do you think important technology corporations like Apple, Microsoft, and Sony create new versions of their product often? Think about why every few months to a year a new iPad or iPhone is released... Explain.

I think that apple releases new technology every six moths because they want to keep on selling products, for that they have to create new things like the ipod and iphone 5, the ipad, the mini ipad, mac books, and other products.

11. For question 10 you will research on the World Wide Web. What are the units of measure for a computer memory storage? Fill in this table with your answers. Must fill in unit abbreviation, and approximate value.

Approximate Value (bytes)
1,000,000,000,000 (1 trillion)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Assignment 1

1.  Create an acrostic poem using your first name. So what you are going to do is use each letter in your name to create an adjective that describes you or use each letter to write something you like to do.
S  -   sleepy
O  -  optimistic
F  -  free
I  -  impulsive
A  -  apathetic


 2. What technologies do you use in your everyday life? Describe how and why you use the technologies you do.
I use my iPod like an alarm so I can be on time in school, also I use it to play candy crush because I am obsessed with it, another thing I used it for is to take pictures of every place I go or just of me and my friends. I use my iPhone to call my mom so she don't get scared of where I am .

 3. The ___System Unit______ is a case that holds the computer's critical components.

4. A(n) ___Workstation___ is a specialized, single-user computer that typically has more power than a standard PC.

5. A(n) __Network Server is usually a powerful personal computer that functions as the primary computer in a network.

6. __Supercomputers__ are the most powerful computers made.

7. What does "PC" stand for?
Personal Computers - A term that refers to any computer system that is designed for use by a single person.

 8. Research how computers play a crucial part in nearly every government agency. Pick an agency and discuss how that agency uses computers and why computers make their jobs easier. Some examples of government agencies that use technology frequently are the U.S. Census Bureau, IRS, Military, and Police.
they save the information about the prisoners or fines in the computers, also the use the to make some research about gangs, terrorists or threats. also the use it as a method of